The VW R Range is anything but everyday

Experience it for yourself with these MY23 offers*
VW R range

Enquire on the VW R Range today

This page provides general information only. As the information is of a general nature, it does not take into account your personal or financial circumstances and is not a substitute for financial advice. LeasePlan recommends you obtain independent financial and taxation advice before acting on the information provided. LeasePlan is not responsible for any information provided by third parties or contained on their website.


SG Fleet Group is not the supplier or manufacturer of the vehicle and does not take any responsibility for the vehicle or the information about the vehicle contained in this article. You should make your own independent assessment of the vehicle and other sources of information (including the websites of the vehicle distributor/manufacturer).

Novated lease comparison

^Estimated income tax and GST savings over a 4-year novated lease term, compared to a non-packaged personal finance arrangement. Assumptions used to calculate potential savings available upon request.

Comparison based on 2023-2024 income tax rates. The examples given within this material are provided for your information and to illustrate scenarios. The results should not be taken as a substitute for independent professional taxation and financial advice. For the purposes of this example, we have not taken into account the impact of salary sacrificing gross salary for fringe benefits on the calculation of your superannuation guarantee contributions. This calculation also does not take into account the impact of any tax offset to which you may be entitled. All reasonable care has been taken in preparing these materials; however, SG Fleet Group provides no warranties and makes no representation that the information provided is appropriate for your particular circumstances or indicates you should follow a particular course of action.

Indicative weekly cost

~Indicative weekly cost is based on the following assumptions: 1) product is an SG Fleet Group Novated Lease; 2) someone living in Sydney, earning a salary of $120,000 p/a and travelling 20,000 kms p/a under a 4-year novated lease term; 3) the weekly cost includes finance and estimated costs for fuel, registration, insurance, servicing and repairs, tyres and roadside assist based on previous assumptions, which finance and estimated costs may have changed at the time a lease quotation is provided; 4) includes potential GST and PAYG savings over the term of the lease. The calculations include a provision for fringe benefits tax (FBT) calculated using the ECM method, unless the vehicle is an EV/PHEV eligible for the ATO electric cars exemption in which case calculations are based on the new ZLEV Exempt method and NSW pricing, where stamp duty is exempt.

At the end of the lease a Residual Value obligation will apply, and GST will be payable on the Residual Value amount if you make an offer to purchase.

The vehicle cost component is based on manufacturer driveaway pricing; pricing may change daily with market fluctuations, including at the time a lease quotation is provided. Specific vehicles may attract other taxes or levies, for example, luxury car tax. The cost does not include any optional extras unless stated. Any additional optional extras would impact the cost of the vehicle to you. Your individual circumstances have not been taken into account and will impact the overall cost amount and the benefits of a novated lease.

Given all vehicle pricing provided is indicative only, for the purposes of assisting you with your vehicle selection process, all orders and delivery times will be subject to stock availability. Vehicle images are for illustration purposes only.

Independent advice – prior to entering a novated lease arrangement, you should seek independent qualified financial advice as the complexities of a novated lease could have a significant impact on your financial situation.


* This offer is valid on selected models only from 1 April 2024 - 30 June 2024. Order must be made by 30 June 2024 and the vehicle must be delivered by 31 July 2024. Excludes other offers. While stocks last. SG Fleet and Volkswagen Group Australia reserves the right to extend, withdraw or change all offers.